Deprecated: iconv_set_encoding(): Use of iconv.internal_encoding is deprecated in /home/dimina/ on line 28

Deprecated: iconv_set_encoding(): Use of iconv.input_encoding is deprecated in /home/dimina/ on line 29

Deprecated: iconv_set_encoding(): Use of iconv.output_encoding is deprecated in /home/dimina/ on line 30

Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/dimina/ on line 652

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Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/dimina/ on line 654
/* Supersized - Fullscreen Slideshow jQuery Plugin Version : 3.2.7 Theme : Shutter 1.1 Site : Author : Sam Dunn Company : One Mighty Roar ( License : MIT License / GPL License */ (function ($) { theme = { /* Initial Placement ----------------------------*/ _init: function () { // Center Slide Links if (api.options.slide_links) $(vars.slide_list).css('margin-left', -$(vars.slide_list).width() / 2); // Start progressbar if autoplay enabled if (api.options.autoplay) { if (api.options.progress_bar) theme.progressBar(); } else { if ($(vars.play_button).attr('src')) $(vars.play_button).attr("src", vars.image_path + "play.png"); // If pause play button is image, swap src // DP *I* // L'animazione standard non e' concepita per stare dentro ad un contenitore // if (api.options.progress_bar) $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({left : -$(window).width()}, 0 ); // Place progress bar if (api.options.progress_bar) $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({width: '0%'}, 0); // Place progress bar // DP *F* } /* Thumbnail Tray ----------------------------*/ // Hide tray off screen // DP *I* // Si applica a inizializzazione documento // Rimosso codice per nascondere le miniature // Tasto apri/chiudi miniature cambiato stato iniziale in "chiudi" // Invertito il codice in toggle per fare collassare (al posto di espandere)la barra al primo click // $(vars.thumb_tray).animate({bottom : -$(vars.thumb_tray).height()}, 0 ); $(vars.thumb_tray).stop().animate({bottom: 0, avoidTransforms: true}, 300); if ($(vars.tray_arrow).attr('src')) $(vars.tray_arrow).attr("src", vars.image_path + "button-tray-down.png"); /* // Thumbnail Tray Toggle $(vars.tray_button).toggle(function(){ $(vars.thumb_tray).stop().animate({bottom : 0, avoidTransforms : true}, 300 ); if ($(vars.tray_arrow).attr('src')) $(vars.tray_arrow).attr("src", vars.image_path + "button-tray-down.png"); return false; }, function() { $(vars.thumb_tray).stop().animate({bottom : -$(vars.thumb_tray).height(), avoidTransforms : true}, 300 ); if ($(vars.tray_arrow).attr('src')) $(vars.tray_arrow).attr("src", vars.image_path + "button-tray-up.png"); return false; }); */ // Thumbnail Tray Toggle $(vars.tray_button).toggle(function () { $(vars.thumb_tray).stop().animate({bottom: -$(vars.thumb_tray).height(), avoidTransforms: true}, 300); if ($(vars.tray_arrow).attr('src')) $(vars.tray_arrow).attr("src", vars.image_path + "button-tray-up.png"); return false; }, function () { $(vars.thumb_tray).stop().animate({bottom: 0, avoidTransforms: true}, 300); if ($(vars.tray_arrow).attr('src')) $(vars.tray_arrow).attr("src", vars.image_path + "button-tray-down.png"); return false; }); // DP *F* // Make thumb tray proper size $(vars.thumb_list).width($('> li', vars.thumb_list).length * $('> li', vars.thumb_list).outerWidth(true)); //Adjust to true width of thumb markers // Display total slides if ($(vars.slide_total).length) { // Supersized contava le slide. La paginazione richiede una variabile distinta per il totale. // $(vars.slide_total).html(api.options.slides.length); $(vars.slide_total).html(api.options.slide_total); } /* Thumbnail Tray Navigation ----------------------------*/ if (api.options.thumbnail_show && api.options.thumb_links && ($(window).width() >= 768)) { //Hide thumb arrows if not needed if ($(vars.thumb_list).width() <= $(vars.thumb_tray).width()) { $(vars.thumb_back + ',' + vars.thumb_forward).fadeOut(0); } // Thumb Intervals vars.thumb_interval = Math.floor($(vars.thumb_tray).width() / $('> li', vars.thumb_list).outerWidth(true)) * $('> li', vars.thumb_list).outerWidth(true); vars.thumb_page = 0; // Deep-link /* var url = $.param.fragment(); if (url) { // Allinea la barra delle thumbnails theme.beforeAnimation("next"); } */ // Cycle thumbs forward $(vars.thumb_forward).click(function () { if (vars.thumb_page - vars.thumb_interval <= -$(vars.thumb_list).width()) { vars.thumb_page = 0; } else { vars.thumb_page = vars.thumb_page - vars.thumb_interval; } $(vars.thumb_list).stop().animate({'left': vars.thumb_page}, {duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo', complete: api.loadpage}); }); // Cycle thumbs backwards $(vars.thumb_back).click(function () { if (vars.thumb_page + vars.thumb_interval > 0) { vars.thumb_page = Math.floor($(vars.thumb_list).width() / vars.thumb_interval) * -vars.thumb_interval; if ($(vars.thumb_list).width() <= -vars.thumb_page) vars.thumb_page = vars.thumb_page + vars.thumb_interval; } else { vars.thumb_page = vars.thumb_page + vars.thumb_interval; } $(vars.thumb_list).stop().animate({'left': vars.thumb_page}, {duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo', complete: api.loadpage}); }); } /* Navigation Items ----------------------------*/ $(vars.next_slide).click(function () { var active = jQuery('li.activeslide'); var index = active.index(); api.ensurevisible(index); api.nextSlide(); }); $(vars.prev_slide).click(function () { /* var active = jQuery('li.activeslide'); var index = active.index() - 2; api.ensurevisible(index); */ api.prevSlide(); }); // Full Opacity on Hover if ( { $(vars.prev_slide + ',' + vars.next_slide).mouseover(function () { $(this).stop().animate({opacity: 1}, 100); }).mouseout(function () { $(this).stop().animate({opacity: 0.6}, 100); }); } if (api.options.thumbnail_navigation) { // Next thumbnail clicked $(vars.next_thumb).click(function () { api.nextSlide(); }); // Previous thumbnail clicked $(vars.prev_thumb).click(function () { api.prevSlide(); }); } $(vars.play_button).click(function () { api.playToggle(); }); /* Window Resize ----------------------------*/ $(window).resize(function () { // Delay progress bar on resize if (api.options.progress_bar && !vars.in_animation) { if (vars.slideshow_interval) clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); if (api.options.slides.length - 1 > 0) clearInterval(vars.slideshow_interval); // DP *I* // L'animazione standard non e' concepita per stare dentro ad un contenitore //$(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({left : -$(window).width()}, 0 ); $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({width: '0%'}, 0); // DP *F* if (!vars.progressDelay && api.options.slideshow) { // Delay slideshow from resuming so Chrome can refocus images vars.progressDelay = setTimeout(function () { if (!vars.is_paused) { theme.progressBar(); vars.slideshow_interval = setInterval(api.nextSlide, api.options.slide_interval); } vars.progressDelay = false; }, 1000); } } // Thumb Links if (api.options.thumbnail_show && api.options.thumb_links && vars.thumb_tray.length && ($(window).width() >= 768)) { // Update Thumb Interval & Page vars.thumb_page = 0; vars.thumb_interval = Math.floor($(vars.thumb_tray).width() / $('> li', vars.thumb_list).outerWidth(true)) * $('> li', vars.thumb_list).outerWidth(true); // Adjust thumbnail markers if ($(vars.thumb_list).width() > $(vars.thumb_tray).width()) { $(vars.thumb_back + ',' + vars.thumb_forward).fadeIn('fast'); $(vars.thumb_list).stop().animate({'left': 0}, 200); } else { $(vars.thumb_back + ',' + vars.thumb_forward).fadeOut('fast'); } } }); // DP *I* // Pulsanti view e download //var activeslide = $.$el.find('.activeslide')[0].childNodes[0]; //document.getElementById('view-button').href = activeslide.href; var link = api.getField('seed'); var bigdata = api.options.big; var view_button = document.getElementById('view-button'); if (view_button) { //view_button.href = link + 's0/'; if (api.options.big == 0) { view_button.href = "{iframe:'" + link + 's0/' + "',boxid:'frameless',animate:false,fixed:false,maxwidth:" + api.getField('width') + ",maxheight:" + api.getField('height') + "})"; } else { view_button.href = "{iframe:'" + link + 's' + bigdata + '/' + "',boxid:'frameless',animate:false,fixed:false,maxwidth:" + api.getField('width') + ",maxheight:" + api.getField('height') + "})"; } } // Top bar var top_title = document.getElementById('oziotoptitle'); if (top_title) top_title.innerHTML = api.getField('album'); // DP *F* if ($('#info-button').length>0){ $('#info-button').click(function (){ theme.updatePhotoInfo(); theme.showPhotoInfo(); }); } }, updatePhotoInfo: function () { var na='- na -'; $('#photo-info .pi-album').text(api.getField('album')); $('#photo-info .pi-photo').text(api.getField('summary')==''?na:api.getField('summary')); /* if (api.getField('published')==''){ $('#photo-info .pi-data').text(na); }else{ var photo_date=new Date(api.getField('published')); $('#photo-info .pi-data').text(photo_date.toLocaleDateString()); } */ if (api.getField('gphoto_timestamp')==''){ $('#photo-info .pi-data').text(na); }else{ var timestamp=api.getField('gphoto_timestamp'); var photo_date=new Date(); photo_date.setTime(timestamp); var pd_formatted=photo_date.getDate()+'/'+(photo_date.getUTCMonth()+1)+'/'+photo_date.getUTCFullYear()+' '+photo_date.getUTCHours()+':'+photo_date.getUTCMinutes(); $('#photo-info .pi-data').text(pd_formatted); //$('#photo-info .pi-data').text(photo_date.toLocaleString()); } $('#photo-info .pi-width_height').text(api.getField('width')+' x '+api.getField('height')); $('#photo-info .pi-file_name').text(api.getField('title')==''?na:api.getField('title')); var photo_size=api.getField('size'); if (photo_size==''){ photo_size=na; }else if (photo_size>(1024*1024)){ photo_size=(photo_size/(1024*1024)).toFixed(2); photo_size=photo_size+'M'; }else if (photo_size>(1024)){ photo_size=(photo_size/(1024)).toFixed(2); photo_size=photo_size+'K'; } $('#photo-info .pi-file_size').text(photo_size); $('#photo-info .pi-model').text(api.getField('exif_model')==''?na:api.getField('exif_model')); var photo_exposure=api.getField('exif_exposure'); if (photo_exposure==''){ $('#photo-info .pi-exposure').text(na); }else{ photo_exposure_d=Math.round(1/photo_exposure); $('#photo-info .pi-exposure').text('1/'+photo_exposure_d+" sec"); } $('#photo-info .pi-focallength').text(api.getField('exif_focallength')==''?na:api.getField('exif_focallength')+" mm"); $('#photo-info .pi-iso').text(api.getField('exif_iso')==''?na:api.getField('exif_iso')); $('#photo-info .pi-make').text(api.getField('exif_make')==''?na:api.getField('exif_make')); $('#photo-info .pi-flash').text(api.getField('exif_flash')==''?na:(api.getField('exif_flash')==true?'Yes':'No')); $('#photo-info .pi-fstop').text(api.getField('exif_fstop')==''?na:api.getField('exif_fstop')); var link = api.getField('seed'); var dowload_url=link + 's0-d/'; var img_url=link + 's200/'; if ($('#photo-info .pi-dowload').length>0){ $('#photo-info .pi-dowload').attr('href',dowload_url); } //$('#photo-info .pi-google').attr('href',api.getField('google_url')==''?'#':api.getField('google_url')); var google_url=""+api.getField('userid')+"/albums/"+api.getField('album_id')+"/"+api.getField('photo_id'); if ($('#photo-info .pi-google').length>0){ $('#photo-info .pi-google').attr('href',google_url); } $('#photo-info .pi-image').attr('src',img_url); var lat=api.getField('lat'); var long=api.getField('long'); if (lat=='' || long==''){ $('#photo-info .map-container').hide(); }else{ $('#photo-info .map-container').show(); } }, showPhotoInfo: function () {{html:$('#photo-info').html(),animate:false,close:true,boxid:'photo_info_box',maxwidth:800,maxheight:2000,openjs:function(){ var lat=api.getField('lat'); var long=api.getField('long'); if (lat=='' || long==''){ //non metto nulla $('#photo_info_box .map-container').html(''); }else{ $('#photo_info_box .map-container').html(''); var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,long); var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('ozio_gmap'), { zoom: 14, center: latLng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.MAP, scrollwheel: false }); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latLng, }); marker.setMap(map); } var na='- na -'; var json_details_url=api.getField('json_details'); if (json_details_url!=''){ $('#photo_info_box .pi-views').text('...'); $('#photo_info_box .pi-comments').text('...'); $.ajax({ 'url':json_details_url, 'dataType': 'json', 'success': theme.OnLoadViewsAndCommentsSuccess, 'error': theme.OnLoadViewsAndCommentsError }); }else{ $('#photo_info_box .pi-views').text(na); $('#photo_info_box .pi-comments').text(na); } } }); }, OnLoadViewsAndCommentsSuccess: function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) { var na='- na -'; if (typeof result.entry !== "undefined" && typeof result.entry.gphoto$commentCount !== "undefined" && typeof result.entry.gphoto$commentCount.$t !== "undefined"){ $('#photo_info_box .pi-comments').text(result.entry.gphoto$commentCount.$t); }else{ $('#photo_info_box .pi-comments').text(na); } if (typeof result.entry !== "undefined" && typeof result.entry.gphoto$viewCount !== "undefined" && typeof result.entry.gphoto$viewCount.$t !== "undefined"){ $('#photo_info_box .pi-views').text(result.entry.gphoto$viewCount.$t); }else{ $('#photo_info_box .pi-views').text(na); } }, OnLoadViewsAndCommentsError: function (jqXHR, textStatus, error) { var na='- na -'; $('#photo_info_box .pi-views').text(na); $('#photo_info_box .pi-comments').text(na); console.log( jqXHR.message, textStatus, error); }, /* Go To Slide ----------------------------*/ goTo: function () { if (api.options.progress_bar && !vars.is_paused) { // DP *I* // L'animazione standard non e' concepita per stare dentro ad un contenitore //$(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({left : -$(window).width()}, 0 ); $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({width: '0%'}, 0); // DP *F* theme.progressBar(); } }, /* Play & Pause Toggle ----------------------------*/ playToggle: function (state) { if (state == 'play') { // If image, swap to pause if ($(vars.play_button).attr('src')) $(vars.play_button).attr("src", vars.image_path + "pause.png"); if (api.options.progress_bar && !vars.is_paused) theme.progressBar(); } else if (state == 'pause') { // If image, swap to play if ($(vars.play_button).attr('src')) $(vars.play_button).attr("src", vars.image_path + "play.png"); // DP *I* // L'animazione standard non e' concepita per stare dentro ad un contenitore //if (api.options.progress_bar && vars.is_paused)$(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({left : -$(window).width()}, 0 ); if (api.options.progress_bar && vars.is_paused)$(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({width: '0%'}, 0); // DP *F* } }, /* Before Slide Transition ----------------------------*/ beforeAnimation: function (direction) { // DP *I* // L'animazione standard non e' concepita per stare dentro ad un contenitore //if (api.options.progress_bar && !vars.is_paused) $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({left : -$(window).width()}, 0 ); if (api.options.progress_bar && !vars.is_paused) $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({width: '0%'}, 0); // DP *F* /* Update Fields ----------------------------*/ // Update slide caption if ($(vars.slide_caption).length) { (api.getField('summary')) ? $(vars.slide_caption).html(api.getField('summary')) : $(vars.slide_caption).html(''); } // Update slide number if (vars.slide_current.length) { $(vars.slide_current).html(vars.current_slide + 1); } // Highlight current thumbnail and adjust row position if (api.options.thumbnail_show && api.options.thumb_links && ($(window).width() >= 768)) { $('.current-thumb').removeClass('current-thumb'); $('li', vars.thumb_list).eq(vars.current_slide).addClass('current-thumb'); // If thumb out of view if ($(vars.thumb_list).width() > $(vars.thumb_tray).width()) { // If next slide direction if (direction == 'next') { if (vars.current_slide == 0) { vars.thumb_page = 0; $(vars.thumb_list).stop().animate({'left': vars.thumb_page}, {duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo', complete: api.loadpage}); } else if ($('.current-thumb').offset().left - $(vars.thumb_tray).offset().left >= vars.thumb_interval) { vars.thumb_page = vars.thumb_page - vars.thumb_interval; $(vars.thumb_list).stop().animate({'left': vars.thumb_page}, {duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo', complete: api.loadpage}); } // If previous slide direction } else if (direction == 'prev') { if (vars.current_slide == api.options.slides.length - 1) { vars.thumb_page = Math.floor($(vars.thumb_list).width() / vars.thumb_interval) * -vars.thumb_interval; if ($(vars.thumb_list).width() <= -vars.thumb_page) vars.thumb_page = vars.thumb_page + vars.thumb_interval; $(vars.thumb_list).stop().animate({'left': vars.thumb_page}, {duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo', complete: api.loadpage}); } else if ($('.current-thumb').offset().left - $(vars.thumb_tray).offset().left < 0) { if (vars.thumb_page + vars.thumb_interval > 0) return false; vars.thumb_page = vars.thumb_page + vars.thumb_interval; $(vars.thumb_list).stop().animate({'left': vars.thumb_page}, {duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo', complete: api.loadpage}); } } } } }, /* After Slide Transition ----------------------------*/ afterAnimation: function () { if (api.options.progress_bar && !vars.is_paused) theme.progressBar(); // Start progress bar // DP *I* // Pulsanti view e download //var activeslide = $.$el.find('.activeslide')[0].childNodes[0]; //document.getElementById('view-button').href = activeslide.href; var link = api.getField('seed'); var bigdata = api.options.big; var view_button = document.getElementById('view-button'); if (view_button) { //view_button.href = link + 's0/'; if (api.options.big == 0) { view_button.href = "{iframe:'" + link + 's0/' + "',boxid:'frameless',animate:false,fixed:false,maxwidth:" + api.getField('width') + ",maxheight:" + api.getField('height') + "})"; } else { view_button.href = "{iframe:'" + link + 's' + bigdata + '/' + "',boxid:'frameless',animate:false,fixed:false,maxwidth:" + api.getField('width') + ",maxheight:" + api.getField('height') + "})"; } } // DP *I* // Ridimensionamento visualizzando immagini gia' presenti in cache (Esempio: quando si usa il tasto indietro) var activeslide = $.$el.find('.activeslide')[0].childNodes[0]; var image = activeslide.children[0]; // naturalWidth and naturalHeight are not supported by IE 7 and 8, so we can't use them // var ratio = image.naturalHeight / image.naturalWidth; var ratio = image.height / image.width; var browserwidth = $.$el.width(); var h = browserwidth * ratio; var container = document.getElementById('fuertecontainer'); //$(container).effect("size", { to: {width: container.offsetWidth, height: h} }, 1000); = h + 'px'; // DP *F* }, /* Progress Bar ----------------------------*/ progressBar: function () { // DP *I* // L'animazione standard non e' concepita per stare dentro ad un contenitore // $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({left : -$(window).width()}, 0 ).animate({ left:0 }, api.options.slide_interval); $(vars.progress_bar).stop().animate({width: '0%'}, 0).animate({width: '100%'}, api.options.slide_interval); /* var obj = $(vars.progress_bar); obj = obj.stop(); obj = obj.animate({width : '0%'}, 0); obj = obj.animate({width : '100%'}, api.options.slide_interval); */ // DP *F* } }; /* Theme Specific Variables ----------------------------*/ $.supersized.themeVars = { // Internal Variables progress_delay: false, // Delay after resize before resuming slideshow thumb_page: false, // Thumbnail page thumb_interval: false, // Thumbnail interval image_path: '/components/com_oziogallery3/views/00fuerte/img/', // Default image path // General Elements play_button: '#pauseplay', // Play/Pause button next_slide: '#nextslide', // Next slide button prev_slide: '#prevslide', // Prev slide button next_thumb: '#nextthumb', // Next slide thumb button prev_thumb: '#prevthumb', // Prev slide thumb button slide_caption: '#slidecaption', // Slide caption slide_current: '.slidenumber', // Current slide number slide_total: '.totalslides', // Total Slides slide_list: '#slide-list', // Slide jump list thumb_tray: '#thumb-tray', // Thumbnail tray thumb_list: '#thumb-list', // Thumbnail list thumb_forward: '#thumb-forward', // Cycles forward through thumbnail list thumb_back: '#thumb-back', // Cycles backwards through thumbnail list tray_arrow: '#tray-arrow', // Thumbnail tray button arrow tray_button: '#tray-button', // Thumbnail tray button progress_bar: '#progress-bar' // Progress bar }; /* Theme Specific Options ----------------------------*/ $.supersized.themeOptions = { progress_bar: 1 // Timer for each slide }; })(jQuery);